09.12.2020 • 

I'll mark u brainlest! The descriptive language in this sentence — A- gives Alyssa’s post a dramatic effect

B- shows how Alyssa’s attitude has changed throughout the story.

C- mimics the sound of the rooster’s call

D- emphasizes that hearing the rooster is an important event in the plot

The story is below

1 When I complained to Mom over the phone yesterday about the extreme depths of boredom I had experienced during the first week of my summer exile to my grandparents farm, she said I think of my grandparents’ farm as an exotic location. After all, she said, “not everyone has the opportunity to live on a farm.

2 That gave me an idea. I decided I will compose my social media status updates as if I was an illustrious traveler visiting the Serengeti Plain making keen observations to my fans around. I started the next morning.

3 Alyssa’s Status: 5:54 A.M. The glorious male Gallus gallus domesticus, known as the rooster, perches himself upon the post. His delicate feathers glimmer in the sunrise. He flaps his wings 2 and rears back his head. His call clamors through the countryside, crying out to all creatures that morning has come.

4 To add to my suffering, my bffs were each doing something exciting. Carlos was at the beach rescuing sea turtles, and Natalia was with her mom, who's a interior designer doing a project for a famous client in a big city.

5 But some people had given a thumbs-up to my post, and it was getting

almost the same amount of attention as my friends’ posts.

6 Carlos’s Status: 7:39 A.M. I’m about to search for sea turtle nests on the beach. I hope I find one today!

7 Natalia’s Status: 11:19 A.M. What would be a better color to paint rock star Aaron Slayton’s loft apartment: Electric Eclectic Orange or Superfly Lemon Lime?

8 As I was thinking of a comment to post on Natalia’s page, Grandma interrupted me.

9 “Put on shoes, Alyssa. We’re going to Haverford’s farm.”


On the 1 Saturday of July, all town goes to Mr. Haverford’s p to pick blackberries. If we pick full, we can make a blackberry cobbler tonight.”

12 Interesting. I typed my next update.

13 Alyssa’s Status: 1:34 P.M. Few events cause more excitement in this remote world than the ripening of the blackberries for celebration with the local inhabitants who make the annual pilgrimage to a special place known as “Haverford’s.” After the festivities had, a ceremonial cobbler—a sweet dessert—is baked with the ripest of the day’s bounty.

14 Carlos and Natalia replied to my post.

15 Carlos’s Reply: 1:39 P.M. Mmm! I love blackberry cobbler! I’ve never made it from scratch with fresh-picked berries before. Have some for me!

16 Natalia’s Reply: 1:46 P.M. I can’t believe you’re staying at a farm! I like the city, but it’s so crowded. I could use some open space and fresh air.

17 Later that evening, after I had eaten two servings of a cobbler, I got photos of the sprawling acreage of Haverford’s farm and described in vivid detail the flavors and textures of the dessert.

18 In the morning I traipsed to the kitchen, where Grandma was making breakfast. She smiled when she saw me.

19 Good morning, Alyssa, Grandma said as she handed me a glass of fresh juice. I was just thinking that today might be the day for you to see the barn.”

20 That had the potential for a good pic to post online. I could take a picture of the barn and make up a story—may be an unsolved mystery. I could mess with the light and settings of the pic, slightly turning them to make the picture look eerie.

21 I was planning this post, Grandma got a plate of pancakes for me. I had to post about the perks of Grandma’s home cooking.

22 After I went to the barn. I took out my phone so that I could use it as a flashlight. I threw the door open and saw inside. all had dirt and cobwebs. Perfect!

23 Then I heard a whining sound from a corner of the barn and almost sprung to the ceiling.

24 I went toward the sound. When I saw what was in one of the stalls, I let out a high-pitched squeal—baby foxes! They were out of a hole and falling down. They were cute. I probably took 100 photos.

25 Fox kits, Grandma said later when she saw the pics I had taken. I’ve seen a fox around and wondered if she had a den. You should put 1 of these on your social studies page.

26 Social media, Grandma, I said. And that’s a great idea. Everyone loves cute animals.

28 In a few minutes I had several comments from my friends and a thumbs-up from 25 people.

29 Natalia’s Reply: 5:05 P.M. So cute!

30 Carlos’s Reply: 5:12 P.M. WoW Take lots of pictures. They look as

though they’re almost old enough to leave their den.

31 I reread the comments. Carlos and Natalia thought my farm adventures were interesting, and Natalia’s reply even had a hint of doubt.

32 What are you smiling about? Grandma asked.

33 I—”

34 I was going to say that I was happy with all the care my post had received, but as the words set in my brain, I looked at Grandma smiling back at me.

35 I’m really glad to be at your farm this summer, I said. And I meant it.

I'll mark u brainlest! The descriptive language in this sentence —

A- gives Alyssa’s post a drama

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