19.10.2020 • 

I'm 21 years old and currently in my first ever real relationship. We're nearly seven months in now, and three months since the "I love you"s first came out. We say it now on a daily basis, usually several times a day. He says he means it, and I believe him, but I don't know if he loves me to the same extent I do. I am utterly, crazily, and stupidly in love with this man. He is practically all I think about night and day, and I still melt every time he kisses me. Just holding his hand still gives me goosebumps sometimes. When I spend the night at his place, I hate leaving. I wish I could stay there all day. It doesn't even matter what we're doing. He could be playing videos games and I could be sitting on the couch reading a book. As long as we're in the same room I'm happy.
I've never felt so protected or understood or so comfortable with anyone, except my best friend since age 5 who I consider a sister.
I would do anything for him. He absolutely means the world to me and makes me happier than I ever thought I could be.
I tell him I love him all the time. I just don't know if I've conveyed how I really feel and I'm terrified that if I did I would scare him away. I don't ever want to lose this guy.
I just love him so much and I could gush about how sweet he is and how caring he is all day. I don't, because a lot of my friends are still single and I don't wanna invoke jealousy and be "that girl" that won't shut up about her boyfriend. But I'm just bursting with love and with happiness and wanted to get it off my chest.

I'm 21 years old and currently in my first ever real relationship. We're nearly seven months in now

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