22.04.2020 • 

I need help with this question.
Which DOES NOT support the author's opinion or viewpoint that she is against the soda ban?

The proposed soda ban is over the top.

Sodas cause tooth decay and health concerns.

Lets keep the soda machines and lets keep the money.

Sodas help pay for sport programs and band programs.

1 Hi. How is everyone doing tonight? I just wanted to take a few minutes to share with you my take on the Soda Ban issue that everyone has been talking about.

2 I teach seventh grade math here at the school and I think the proposed school ban on soda pop is a bit over the top. Why? Well, healthy eating habits begin at home and here at school we, as teachers, can help by encouraging healthy choices. Soda may not be the healthiest choice, but a can of soda every now and again is okay.

3 We all want our children to be healthy and develop healthy eating habits. I know many of you are concerned about tooth decay and other health issues, but it's not like students are drinking soda all day long. Most students drink milk during lunch and water from the water fountain throughout the day. The vending machine room is not open in the morning, only at lunch and after school.

4 At our school, all of the money from the soda machines pays for sports programs and the band program. If this ban goes into effect, where will the money come from to pay for these worthy programs? Before supporting this ban, I ask you to think about that.

5 We have the best sports teams in the state. Go Hawks! We won the state football championship last year, and our tennis team did very well in the finals of the state tournament in Myrtle Beach. The tennis team has 6 players and they worked very hard in practice to be the best they can be. We have never gone all the way to the finals before, and we are very proud of our tennis team for doing so well.

6 I know I have been rambling on, so let me just say “every thing in moderation." Let's keep the soda machines, and let's keep the money that the machines generate going to our sports teams.

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