10.10.2021 • 

i need some help revising this when it was determined nobody understood how to understand Ancient Egyptian. Because the writings say the identical thing in three distinct languages the Rosetta Stone became a very important part of the proof. Through the activity of many people, it took over 2 months to reveal what the Rosetta Stone had to tell. The Rosetta Stone is a part of rock that was inscribed on and was made to praise an Egyptian Pharaoh. The Rosetta rock today really has many places and some are relocated today, chiefly because it makes rest harder to be removed. And because there is only one Rosetta rock other galleries have records and other documents that explain what the Rosetta Stone is about. It had apparently been developed into a very faded wall. The officer in command understood the significance of the discovery. When it was discovered nobody knew how to read Ancient Egyptian. Because the inscriptions say the same thing in three different languages, the Rosetta Stone became a very valuable piece of evidence. Through the work of many people, it took over 2 months to uncover what the Rosetta Stone had to say. The Rosetta Stone is a piece of rock that was written on and was made to honor an Egyptian Pharaoh. The Rosetta stone today actually has many locations and some are relocated today, mainly because it make sit harder to be stolen. And because there is only one Rosetta stone other museums have papers and other documents that describe what the Rosetta Stone is about. Also, the documents discovered the Rosetta Stone on 15 July 1799 while digging the foundations of an addition to a fort near the town of Rashid Rosetta in the Nile Delta. It had apparently been built into a very old wall. The officer in charge, Pierre-François Bouchard, realized the importance of the discovery.

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