04.03.2021 • 

I need to lengthen this paragraph into a 350-500 word essay. I have 219 words so far and I don't know how to make it lengthier. One Of Many Native American Superstitious Beliefs

My mom burns sage once a day to rid the negative energy in our house. She is a believer in good karma/bad karma and positive/negative energy. The habit is superstitious because it is more or less an unproven theory. There is no science to back up the ritual.
It’s a belief. She believes that the sage will cleanse the negative energy away. Sage burning stems from the Native Americans, they’ve burned sage for centuries as part of a spiritual ritual to cleanse a person or space of any negative thoughts, memories, or behavior.
An explanation for a situation is going to be a scientific fact that proves to reason why something happened the way it did. Example: The ice melted because of the sun. This is a true statement and has evidence to back it up.
A superstition is an unprovable factor and a need to resolve uncertainty with an “answer.”
People came up with these superstitions to answer the unanswered questions and to justify situations. I think the reason people today still believe in superstitions is because of tradition and also a sense of control when we can’t find an answer to an “out of this world” problem.

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