11.02.2021 • 

I WILL GIVE BRAINIEST 04.06 Two Texts Side by Side Worksheet

You will complete a chart and a reflection comparing and contrasting texts. Read the two texts at the bottom of these instructions. Then, complete the chart below using complete sentences. Sentence starters have been provided in both columns. Use details and examples when requested.
"U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Expanded Reporting for Birds Captured and Collected During Deepwater Horizon Response"
"The Blackness"
What is the genre?
The genre of this text is fiction
The genre of this text is nonfiction
What is the topic of each text?
The topic of this text is “The rescue of oiled wildlife impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill”
The topic of this text is oil can ruin lives of many creatures in the sea, not just only birds
What kinds of details are included? Which details are omitted?
This text uses mostly facts

For example, “Based on a rigorous review by a team of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists of previously released preliminary data, the Service has compiled an expanded report of the birds rescued and collected during the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.”

It does not include details about
This text uses mostly

For example,

It does not include details about
What type of language does the writer use? What is the effect of those words?
This text relies on

For example,

The type of language used communicates a tone and creates a mood.
This text relies on characters

For example, Maddy

The type of language used communicates a tone and creates a mood.
What is the purpose of each text? Why did the writer write the text?
The purpose of this text is to
The purpose of this text is to
What is the message of the text?
The message of this text is: oil can ruin lives of many creatures in the sea, not just only birds
The message of this text is:
These two texts have the same topic, but they are quite different. In four to six complete sentences, explain which text would best motivate readers to protect and preserve nature from human influence. Explain why you think the text you have identified would be more effective than the other text. Use examples from your chart to support your position. Your paragraph has been started for you.

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