09.12.2021 • 

Idioms and Euphemisms 1 Determine which sentences include idioms and which include euphemisms. Relevant words or phrases are
Listed in the Item Bank are key terms and expressions, each of which is associated with one of the columns. Some terms
may display additional information when you click on them. Drag and drop each item into the correct column. Order does
not matter.
ITEM BANK: Move to Bottom
I didn't lie; I simply supplied you with
I'm not old; I'm just chronologically
My job interview is tomorrow, so keep
your fingers crossed.
This suitcase is heavy. Can you please
give me a hand?
Year-round school! If I had my druthers,
we'd have year-round vacation!

Idioms and Euphemisms 1

Determine which sentences include idioms and which include euphemisms. Re

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