24.03.2021 • 

IF YOU NOTICE ME, PLEASE READ THIS: By answering this question will award you 25 points and Brainliest! So PLEASE question carefully or your answer will be reported! Those Winter Sundays


Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made

banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.
I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
When the rooms were warm, he’d call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,

Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know
of love’s austere and lonely offices?


How does mood contribute to the development of the theme in "Those Winter Sundays"?

Be sure to:

1. Restate the prompt with the title, the author, and your main claim in a topic sentence
2. Flow two quotes directly from the text in the middle of the paragraph
3. Clearly explain how each quote supports your argument logically
4. Use transitional phrases to connect thoughts and ideas to one another

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