26.06.2019 • 

Ihave a dream and it is to be free as a bird. i would like to choose what i want to do. i want to be the owner of my actions. now i only possess what is in my mind and what is in my mind is too much. i feel my brain is so full of things. it is going to explode. it want to get out of there. my thoughts really need to turn into actions and that is why i have to be free. i imagine myself choosing what to do. if i want to eat or drink. if i want to stay in bed or get up. why can't i be the master of my own doings? it is not fair . i have to escape. i must break free write a 2 -paragraph analysis of your poem. what theme does your poem convey? what poetic devices did you use to convey your theme? what insights into your character does your poem convey? which lines from your poem reveal this insight?

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