02.02.2022 • 

Imagine you are explaining the origins of hip-hop to someone who has never been exposed to hip-hop music or culture in any way. (It may help to imagine the proverbial visitor from outer space.) Choose eight songs from between 1975-1985, the early days of hip-hop, and create an instructional playlist for him/her. The playlist should start with a descriptive overview of what the eight songs, collectively, capture about the origins of hip-hop. Then, for each of the eight songs, include a brief, but critical, explanation of why you chose that song and what it demonstrate specifically about the early days of hip-hop. Think of this assignment like an annotated bibliography, but for songs instead of literary or scholarly sources. Also, think about order and flow of your songs (maybe chronological; maybe some other way of ordering the playlist). With your descriptions of each song, integrate course materials

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