16.06.2021 • 

important message can anyone say me who's your hero who makes you happy who helps. you in need who keeps you happy who cares of you alot who loves you alot and did you ever think of these questions hmm it's ur parents did u ever go very deep and did you see how your parents care for you and if your a person who doesn't like there parents then pls stop it because your mom she made you born she cared of you she loved you. your dad he goes office or anything so that you can eat food get good clothes and here these kids don't care of there parents they say you gave me a rlly bad phone but if you have a phone it atleast works what's bad in it it works right so why are you complaining your parents bout it you should thank God that you atleatd have these things some kids don't even have mobiles like ppl in Palestine our Palestinian brothers and sisters did you ever see their condition they don't have money too eat say thank you God bc you have food to eat if you don't care of your parents so first think what did they do for you ​

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