18.11.2020 • 

In this assignment, you will have a discussion with at least two peers. Your discussion will be planned on a topic that all participants have read about and researched. You will then write an evaluation to
reflect on your experiences with planning, speaking, and listening. You will complete the assignment
by submitting your response.

Step 1: Work collaboratively to set discussion rules and guidelines.
a) Meet with other participants before the discussion to develop a plan.
b) Confirm that the team knows the topic and text(s) that will be the basis of the discussion.
c) Set clear goals with the team that include deadlines for preparation, the schedule of the
discussion, the length of the discussion, and the roles of each discussion member.
d) Decide, with the aid of a teacher or other adult, how the role of the moderator will function.
e) Determine the audience and the purpose of the discussion.
f) Decide on the formality of the discussion and rules for consensus, vote-taking, and presentation
of alternate viewpoints.
Step 2: Prepare your evidence.
a) Read the text and research from additional sources so that you thoroughly understand the topic.
b) Gather facts, examples, and anecdotes about the topic, making sure to cite your sources.
c) Determine your viewpoint based on your opinion of the facts you have gathered.
d) Take notes to organize your viewpoint with evidence that supports each main idea.
e) Research definitions for any terms and concepts you plan to present during the discussion.
Step 3: Participate in a collaborative discussion.
a) Come to the discussion prepared.
b) Takes turns listening and speaking.
c) Use notes from your research to present your viewpoint.
d) Use evidence to support each point you make.
e) Listen to questions raised by the moderator and other participants. Respond thoughtfully.
f) Take notes as you listen. Reflect on points made, summarize perspectives, and build on ideas.
g) Acknowledge where you agree and disagree with others, and, when you need to, justify your
views based on the reasoning presented.
h) Ask questions that require a response that uses evidence.
i) Make sure that all positions and perspectives get a chance to be heard.
j) Clarify, support, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
k) Consider different ways to think about the issue while still helping the group stay focused on the
l) Speak clearly, using formal language and an appropriate volume and rate of speech.
m) Keep eye contact as you speak and listen.
n) Use body language to show that you are engaged and interacting as part of a team.
Step 4: Reflect on the collaborative discussion.
a) Think about how you acted as a speaker in presenting your views.
b) Consider how well you listened and followed the ground rules of the discussion.
c) Reflect on how other participants made their points and provided evidence.
d) Take notes on your overall impressions of how effectively the group discussed the topic.
Step 5: Prepare a written response that evaluates the collaborative discussion.
a) Using a word-processing program, write a two- to three-paragraph evaluation of the discussion.
b) Include responses to these questions in your evaluation.

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