06.01.2020 • 

Ineed input on this vignette, marking brainliest.
we were sitting at the table, like always. my friend brings these weird popcorn-chip-things everyday. today, my friend chucked them at me. i tried one, and i tasted a lot of flavors all at once. then i picked up the bag to get another one, and i smelled an odd smell. it smelled something like paint drying on the wall.

i just had to tell my friends about this, for some reason. i told them, “the bag smells like drying paint”. my friend ripped the bag from my hand and smelled it, too. “it does smell like drying paint”. we passed around the bag, smelling it. i know, i know, my friend group is as weird as can be and can be maniacs if they want to.

one of my friends said she smelled cotton candy. we all looked at her like she was on drugs or something. i said, “no, the bag smells like drying paint”. we argued about this for 5 whole minutes till i noticed that this was stupid and we probably looked like idiots, passing around that bag and smelling it like some native americans who were given strange food.

i knew that we looked like maniacs, like idiots, like many other things. at that moment i didn’t care, because my friends give me some kind of confidence i can’t get from anywhere else. now that i think about it, i know that some people were looking and staring at us, thinking, “what are they doing? are they mentally impaired? what losers”. i know that my friends would just laugh it off, but i care. a lot. i’ve changed from, “oh whatever. what would anybody think” to “what does he think of me? what does she think of me? ”.

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