18.12.2020 • 

Instructions "I Too Sing America" was written by Langston Hughes and "I Hear
America Singing" was written by Walt Whitman. You are going to read
the two poems and COMPARE and CONTRAST them to one another. Find
the original dates that both poems were written. Based upon the dates
written, you will explain EACH man's message - what did he want his
intended audience to learn from him?(this should be explained in
separate paragraphs). Then, in another separate paragraph, Explain
"HOW" each man's ethnicity (race) had an impact upon what his message
was and "WHY" his message was so important. Finally, in a FOURTH
paragraph, Explain how EACH man's poem's message "IS" or is "NOT"
inspirational to "ALL" people - please use this space to PROVE why you
believe one man's message "IS" inspirational and the other man's
message "IS NOT" inspirational - please quote evidence from the text of
the poem to back up your point of view.


I Too Sing America was written by Langston Hughes and I Hear
America Singing was

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