12.04.2021 • 

Intelliger creating intelligent machines. Scientists and engineers are working on computer software intended to imitate the human thought process, such as learning
Al refers to the intelligence of machines. The term also refers to the developing field of computer science that is responsible for
and reasoning. A computer can already do some things better than people, such as store information, solve numerical problems and complete repetitive
tasks. Computers have been able to perform these kinds of tasks by using algorithms, which are clearly defined sets of instructions. In contrast, Al software
only presents a problem to the
e computer, not the steps necessary to solve the problem. The computer itself determines how to solve the problem.
Al programs contain two essential components
. First
, the computer program must contain a knowledge base that includes different types of information,
such as facts, concepts, and theories. The second component is enabling the computer to draw inferences, which means that the computer can form a
conclusion based on facts and knowledge. In this scenario, a computer with Al intelligence is presented with a problem to be solved. The computer then
searches its knowledge base for specific conditions or patterns that fit the problem to be solved. This ability of Al programs to solve a problem based on facts
rather than on a fixed series of steps is what mimics the thought process of a human brain.
Whether or not a computer can really think is still up for debate, even though there are numerous examples of machines that can be said to resemble
human intelligence. For example, IBM developed Deep Blue, a chess-playing
computer that defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997. However, even these kinds of
computer programs are limited because they can only do what they have been programmed to do. Most scientists and researchers agree that machines
currently lack the subtlety and range of human thought
. However
, as Al technology
develops, more questions and debate will surely arise. The most
important issue going forward is how Al technology can best serve the humans who created it.
Read the last sentence of the passage.
"The most important issue going forward is how Al technology can best serve the humans who created it."
How does this sentence engage the reader in the subject material?
The author tells the reader that this technology will improve his or her life.
The author invites the reader to consider the possibilities of this technology.
The author uses humor to encourage the reader to accept the information.
The author draws a conclusion that the reader is expected to accept.

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