10.12.2020 • 

It is March 15, in the year 2514. The people of former New York are in desperate circumstances. They are being overrun, and they are losing hope. The banners proclaiming a Free the Real NYC lie in the gutters, trampled by terrified and panicked citizens. Two teens– or kidz, as they are called now– are on their way home from a secret meeting. As they walk in the shadows to avoid detection, they both trip on a huge titanium cylinder. Etched into the surface are a series of scratched-out words. The only words they can make out are, "he will prevail." They drag the heavy cylinder into a hidden alleyway and twist it open. The glow from their flashlights reveals the contents of the cylinder. With gasps of relief, they look at each other with hope in their eyes for the first time in years. Finish the story

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