17.02.2021 • 

IV. Narcissism: Beyond just being distracting and dangerous, earbuds are detrimental and damaging to society as a whole. Ear buds work against a community of
listeners. Everyone is walking all over the neighborhood, plugged into their latest favorite playlist, but no one is talking to anyone. People who are
addicted to their ear buds don't care about other people. They don't want community and contact with the real world. Ear buds also actively destroy
live musicians' ability to make a living with their art form. No one wants live music anymore when they can pay less to hear it instantly and privately
anytime they want. If we don't curb our use of ear buds, all our musicians will languish and no new music will be developed.
V. Toss Them in the Trash!
People refuse to recognize the danger of ear buds because they simply love their ear buds too much to give them up. Ear buds are probably doing
serious physical damage to their inner eardrums or even the brain itself, but apparently that doesn't bother anyone. I shudder to think of what the
future will be like if we continue on the path of ear bud dependence we're traveling. Next time you're tempted to plug in and tune out, remember
my warning. Either we learn to live without ear buds, or we're going to turn into a nation of complete zombies. Is that where you want to live?
Which is a logical fallacy of this argument?
Ear buds are known to be a factor in many car accidents.
Ear buds can be very distracting for a student in a classroom setting.
People who are addicted to their ear buds don't care about other people.
People who have ear buds in their ears simply cannot hear danger

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