19.05.2021 • 

Kungur Ice Cave is near the town of Kungur in the Ural Mountains in Russia. It is one of the
biggest and most fascinating caves in the world
and is the only cave in Russia that has been
adapted for tourist excursions.
People say that Kungur Ice Cave is like a labyrinth
inside. It consists of a network of passages and a
number of grottos of various sizes. Some of these
grottos are fifty to a hundred metres in diameter and
up to twenty metres in height. In all, the cave contains
about 60 lakes, over 20 grottos, and around 6,000
metres of passages. Currently, tourists have access
to about 1.5 km of these passages.
The Kungur Ice Cave has become a very popular
attraction over the years thanks to its impressive ice
formations and it now receives over 90,000 visitors a
year. An excursion through Kungur Cave is a truly
unique experience. Visitors are amazed and
delighted by its beauty and charm once they enter. As
they continue into its depths they get a feeling of dizziness
because of the high level of oxygen in the air and the
thought of getting lost in its labyrinths is frightening for
some people.
The main grottos have their own names. The first one
tourists get to see is called 'Brilliant'. It is full of breathtaking
crystal formatiqab of different shapes. Lights shine on them and
make them sparkle with different colours. The Meteor Grotto is
also quite impressive and even scary for some visitors, as it is
always in complete darkness. 'Titanic' is famous for its big
underground lake and is one of the most interesting grottos.
Long Grotto; as its name suggests, is the longest grotto in​

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