16.09.2021 • 

Learning Task 1: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letters of your answersin your notebook. (Formative)1. If Lita caught by quarantine officers, she can’t go home until they releaseher.A. gets B. got C. will get2. I’ll send the report to my supervisor as soon as I the notice.A. receive B. will receive C. received3. I a heartburn If I continue drinking coffee and eating spicy foods.A. get B. would get C. got4. You don’t have to bring your books as long as the e-book versions.A. you have B. you had C. you’ll have5. When I leave my house, I always my mom to feed my pet dog, Chuchu.A. asked B. would ask C. ask6. If I the issue to the manager, she’ll find ways in solving it.A. present B. presented C. will present77. I’ll send it to you as soon as home.A. I’d get B. I’ll get C. I get8. I my pet to the vet If I had time.A. took B. will take C. would take9. If I Clint, I’d go back to my parents and ask for their forgiveness.A. were B. am C. will be10. If I thought of what you feel, I considered your proposal.A. had B. will have C. would have11. Ethan and Joy will be late for their flight if they .A. don’t move fast B. didn’t move fast C. won’t move fast12. If I didn’t need this diploma, less.A. I study B. I’d study C. I’ll study13. If I what I want, I won’t possibly be here tonight.A. insisted B. insist C. will insist14. If I don’t express my opinion, I not saying it for our own improvement.A. regret B. would regret C. will regret15. What would get If you to her?A. propose B. proposed C. would propose

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