24.03.2021 • 

Like how in the world is my response unhelpful why do u have to flipping delete my response to the non question i was being freaking nice but whoever deleted my answer is completely being rude and they ticked me off all because i said something nice and yall hate me just because im ugly and i hate my life i just like to help people on here by bringing smiles and laughter to their beautiful & handsome faces on their side of their screens while me on my side of my screen is depressing,challenging,and very saddened all because im a guilt,disappointment,and a mistake. Just try to make someone's day people,please be nice. I don't matter who you are even if your a catfish ur either beautiful or handsome no matter who u are,Looks don't matter to me and neither to you either so people please have a wonderful day But true fact if this gets taken down then you don't care what i have to say. do what u think is best. Bye,Cj

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