04.12.2021 • 

LOTS OF POINTS Writing a Short Story

This Course Activity will help you meet these educational goals:
Content Knowledge—You will write an original short story on the basis of the elements theme, plot, setting and characters.
Inquiry—You will conduct online research, in which you will make observations of the stories mentioned in the lessons and draw conclusions in order to complete the activity.
21st Century Skills—You will employ online tools for research and analysis/ apply creativity and innovation and communicate effectively.

In this activity students will write an original short story on the basis of the elements (plot, setting, and characters) that they chosen in lesson activities for lessons 3 and 4. If your teacher has omitted those lessons, you may spend up to half an hour figuring out the plot, settings, and characters for your original short story.

Directions and Analysis
Task 1: Plotting a Short Story.
Create an outline for a short story using your knowledge of the Freytag’s pyramid. You can use the Web to refer to other stories to get a better idea.
(Note: If you have already done this as part of a lesson activity in an earlier lesson, you can use your earlier outline.)

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Task 2: Drafting
Write the short story based on your outline. The story should ideally be 3–5 pages long

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Task 3: Peer Review
The Peer reviewer should read the story aloud to hear errors you might not have seen. Rework the story according to the feedback after the review.

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Task 4: Revise your Story
Using the feedback from the review, revise your stories accordingly.

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