23.02.2021 • 

Mail obdurate
A. DIRECTIONS: In each of the following items, think about the meaning of the
italicized word or phrase, and then answer the question.
1. True or false: Wearing plate mail would provide protection from an enemy's
weapons, specifically a sword and mace. Explain.
2. Shauna's obdurate refusal to attend the dance put us all in a bind because she
was the one who was going to drive us all there. Is Shauna wishy-washy about
saying no to attending the dance? Explain.
3. Would you consider water to be an ore? Why or why not? Explain.
B. WORD STUDY: The Latin root -dur- means "hard," "strong," or "lasting." For
inctanco the word duramen a noun means "the heartwood of a free: the dense

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