12.10.2020 • 

Make an Analysis Paragraph Template using this poem Be Nobody’s Darling by Alice Walker! COPY and PASTE the poem onto google. In “ ,” author uses

(title of poem) (author full name)

and to convey that .

(poetry device) (poetry device) (choose a purpose word) (theme statement)

For example, in the poem, writes “ .”

(author’s last name) (cite evidence #1 that supports theme statement)


(in your own words, elaborate on words, phrases, and images and what they imply and how they support the theme and author’s purpose)

Another example is “ .”

(cite evidence #2 that supports theme statement)


(in your own words, elaborate on words, phrases, and images and what they imply and how they support the theme and author’s purpose)

Also, the author writes “.”

(cite evidence #3 that supports theme statement)


(in your own words, elaborate on words, phrases, and images and what they imply and how they support the theme and author’s purpose)

To conclude, uses and in the

(choose a conclusion transition) (author last name) (restate poetry device) (restate poetry device)

poem “” to convey that .

(the title of the poem) (choose a purpose word) (restate theme statement)

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