19.01.2020 • 

Match each element of tragedy to its definition. tiles catharsis anagnorisis prologue peripeteia hubris fate hamartia pairs the excessive pride that causes a protagonist to exceed his or her limits and leads to his or her downfall arrowboth the purpose of tragedy, which is the purging of the audience’s negative emotions after witnessing the downfall of a heroic person arrowboth the protagonist’s tragic flaw, which, when combined with factors of destiny beyond the protagonist’s control, lead to his or her downfall arrowboth the opening scene of a play that provides background information and introduces the central conflict arrowboth the force that the ancient greeks believed controlled and molded human lives and was beyond their control arrowboth the reversal of the protagonist’s fortune after receiving a major piece of information arrowboth the revelation of a major piece of information that impacts the protagonist’s actions from that point onward arrowboth

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