29.09.2019 • 

Match each excerpt to the correct stanza structure


it was many and many a year ago,
in a kingdom by the sea,
that a maiden there lived whom you may know
by the name of annabel lee;
and this maiden she lived with no other thought
than to love and be loved by me.
(from "annabel lee" by edgar allan poe)

o thou, new-year, delaying long,
delayest the sorrow in my blood,
that longs to burst a frozen bud
and flood a fresher throat with song.
(from "in memoriam" by alfred lord tennyson)

nature’s first green is gold,
her hardest hue to hold.
her early leaf’s a flower
but only so an hour.
then leaf subsides to leaf.
so eden sank to grief,;
so dawn goes down to day.
nothing gold can stay.
(from "nothing gold can stay" by robert frost)

at sestos hero dwelt; hero the fair,
whom young apollo courted for her hair,
and offered as a dower his burning throne,
where she should sit for men to gaze upon.
the outside of her garments were of lawn,
the lining purple silk, with gilt stars drawn;
(from "hero and leander" by christopher marlowe)



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