02.10.2019 • 

Match the expressions (a-j) with the explanations of when they might be said

a) have you heard the one
about ? ..4
b) i haven't seen you for
c) i've had enough of this!
d) sorry, you've lost me!
e) i've had a brainwave!
f) it's been one of those days!
g) i've had enough,
h) i haven't had a chance yet
i) i've been having second
j) oh, haven't you heard?
1 saying you don't follow what
someone is saying.
2 having doubts about a big decision.
3 having a brilliant idea.
4 introducing a joke.
5 declining more food.
6 spreading gossip.
. 7 seeing an old face from the past.
8 having a frustrating time, when
everything is going wrong.
9 wanting to stop doing something
because it's annoying you.
10 apologising for not doing something
you said you'd do.
27have you heard the one

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