21.09.2021 • 

Match the following. 1. an arrangement in which the government makes all the basic economic decisions underpopulation 2. developed countries with a per capita income of $10,000–$37,000 middle income nations 3. less-developed countries with a per capita income of less than $2,500 high income nations 4. an arrangement in which the government plays a limited role in basic economic decisions mixed economic system 5. more-developed countries with a per capita income of $2,500–$10,000 population density 6. an arrangement in which the government sometimes makes decision and businesses may be both privately and government-owned traditional economic system 7. a situation in which the number of people exceeds the available natural resources in an area market economic system 8. a nation's annual total income divided by its total population overpopulation 9. the number of people who live in a square mile or kilometer command economic system 10. an arrangement in which custom determines how goods are produced and distributed low income nations 11. a situation in which the birth rate is not sufficient to replace the existing population per capita income

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