22.02.2021 • 

Match the oral communication concept with its definition. 1. Purpose
2. Audience
3. Setting
4. Introduction
5. Body
6. Conclusion
A. The presenter considers who will experience the presentation, what they expect to gain from the presentation, their age group and educational backgrounds, and their level of knowledge on the subject compared to those of the presenter.
B. The major part of the presentation. Idea expressed in the introduction are developed fully and supported by graphs or tables if appropriate.
C. The speaker briefly reviews the subject of the presentation, its background, why it is important, an outline of the main points, questions that will be addressed, and questions or points that the presenter wants the audience to consider.
D. The presenter identifies the aim of the research, focus of the presentation, why the presentation will be given, and what role, if any, other presenters might play.
E. The presenter considers how the available facility where they presentation will take place could impact its effectiveness. This includes investigating the available technology resources, the size of the room, and how the audience will be seated.
F. Is shorter than the introduction and leaves a final impression of the subject on the listeners.

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