02.03.2021 • 

Movie review: Ice age continental drift. This is my review for Ice age continental drift Ice age is one of my favorite movie's and should get a lot more praise then it get's, sadly ice age's 4th sequel is not the same.For starter's some of the new characters introduced in this movie are lackluster,annoying or just plain silly, for example captain gutt is a overpowered lazily written villain, For a main character Lewis has almost no effect on the plot and at time's is obnoxious, even crash and eddie are even more annoying than the previous 3 movie's in the series! Also the plot is very poorly written, the movie starts with with a moving tectonic plate that sends Manny, Diego, and Sid out to sea. Wait What? Anyway they send way out into the deep sea where they meet some evil pirates who has there ship sunken courtesy of Manny. Wait now they form an army with a bunch gerbils, and now there is a giant whale?? You can see why the plot isn't so great. The only thing i liked about the movie was scrat somehow he always manages to make me laugh. Now for the question: What is the central idea of this review?

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