14.07.2021 • 

MW6 (Trapang Thloeng 2) Teacher's name: Thy Nak Category: PLEP1-8 Room: A19 * Required Student's name: * Sex: * Male Female Shift of Study: * Morning Afternoon Evening Adverbs of Frequency Choose the correct alternative. 1. Andrea lives next door so we see her. * 10 points never often rarely 2. Nancy and I [30%] go out for coffee together. * 10 points never frequently occasionally 3. We meet at the Annual General Meeting. * 10 points never every day yearly 4. My doctor . * 10 points yearly checks my health checks yearly my health checks my health yearly 5. It [0%] rains here in the summer. * 10 points never sometimes rarely 6. we take the dog off his leash at the beach. * 10 points Sometimes Never Rarely 7. My sister two days of school in a row. * 10 points often has missed has missed often​

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