22.06.2021 • 

No entiendo nada alguien me ayudaría porf ..- Complete the text using the verbs in SIMPLE PRESENT. (Completar el texto
usando los verbos en Presente Simple)
Hi! My name is Leo. I am sixteen years old. I am a student. From Monday to
Friday I at 6.30. I breakfast and I to school. In the
afternoon I football and I my homework.
Martina is my sister. She is fifteen years old. She is a student too. She at
7 o'clock. She breakfast and she to the club. She
hockey. She to school in the afternoon.
2.- Circle T (True) or F (False). Correct the false statements. (Marcar T (si es
verdadero) o F (si es falso). Justificar las respuestas falsas.)
a) Leo and Martina are students T/F
b) They like sports T/F
c) Leo goes to school in the afternoon T/F
d) Martina is 16 T/F
3.- What do you do from Monday to Friday? Write a paragraph. (¿Qué haces de
lunes a viernes? Escribì un pàrrafo)
4.- Rewrite the sentences in negative. (Reescribí las oraciones en negativo)
Ex. Martin works in a factory
Martin doesn’t work in a factory.
a) Sabrina lives in Spain.
b) Carmen and Tommy listen to rock music.
c) I like chocolate icecream.
d) John studies medicine.
e) Silvia and I watch TV every day.
5.- Answer (Respondé)
a) Where do you live?
b) What do you watch on TV?
c) Who do you live with?
d) What do you do in your free time?
e) Do you work?

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