05.05.2020 • 

NOTE: In this story, you take on the perspective of Alex / Alexander

“Alex, those are just words,” said Caesar. “White folks’ words for other white folks.”

“But without us, the rebels would lose—”

“So would the redcoats. Both sides need us, but I don’t trust neither one to play fair when this thing is over. They can do that Declaration over. Naw, the words I want to see are on a British pass with my name on it. I’m stayin’ put ’til I see that.”

Caesar never did. A month later your regiment was routed by the Continental Army. The rebels fired cannons for six hours, shelling the village your side occupied two days before. You found pieces of your cousin strewn everywhere. And you ran. Ran. You lived by your wits in the countryside, stealing what you needed to survive until you reached territory still in British hands, and again found yourself a pawn in the middle of other men’s battles—Camden, where your side scattered poorly trained regulars led by General Gates, then liberated slaves who donned their masters’ fancy clothing and powdered wigs and followed along behind Gates as his men pressed on; and the disastrous encounter at Guilford Court House, where six hundred redcoats died and Cornwallis was forced to fall back to Wilmington for supplies, then later abandon North Carolina altogether, moving on to Virginia. During your time as a soldier, you saw thousands sacrifice their lives, and no, it wasn’t as if you came through with only a scratch. At Camden you took a ball in your right shoulder. Fragments remain there still, making it a little hard for you to sleep."

Which details refer to Alexander’s feelings, not to things that other people would be able to see? Please give evidence from the paragraph.

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