20.09.2019 • 

Okay, i seriously need ! i don't have a book for this and it's due today! i will give brailiest!
about this assignment, you will choose a resident of the annex (other than anne) and re-write a journal entry from this individual's perspective.
your entry should:
- reflect what you have learned about the personality traits and viewpoints of the individual you select.
- adopt this individual's perspective, as though you are seeing the world through this individual's eyes. this should include:
1. use the first-person pronouns (such as i, me, and my) to refer to this individual, not yourself.
2. a tone that realistically reflects how this individual would feel about the subject matter he or she writes about.
- you may select to re-write one of the following entries:
: tuesday, july 13th, 1943, or
: friday, october 29, 1943
- once you have completed your entry, you should write an additional one-paragraph (6-8 sentences) response explaining how the tone of the entry has changed and why you chose to make these changes.
! !

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