20.12.2019 • 

One of the themes of "kaddo's wall" is, "if you do not build positive relationships with others, you may find yourself alone when you need others the most."

which detail develop this theme?

"word went out that kaddo was preparing to build a wall of flour around his house, and the people of the town came to his door and protested."

"'kaddo’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the kingdom of seno are poor to this day. and to the rich men of the country the common people sometimes say: 'don’t build a wall of flour around your house.'"

"one day kaddo called all of his people in the town of tendalla together for a big meeting in front of his house. they all came, for kaddo was an important man, and they knew he was going to make an important announcement."

"'take what you need,' sogole said. he ordered his servants to bring bags of corn and to load them on kaddo's donkey. kaddo him humbly, and he and his daughter started their return trip to tendalla."

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