26.09.2021 • 

Onswer Which of the following statements best explains why Claudette never loved anyone more than Mirabella in that moment (paragraph 74)
"The steps? Then Jeanette gave me a wide, true wolf smile. For an instant, she looked just like our mother "Notfor you," she mouthed back!
threw my head back, a howi claving its way up my throat I was about to lose all my Skill Points, I was about to fall my Adoptive Dancing test. But
before the ait could burst from my lungs, the wind got knocked out of me Oomphi i fell to the ground, my shirt folling softly over my head.
Mirabela had intercepted my eye-cry for help. She'd chewed through her restraints and tackled me from behind, borong ot unseen cougars.
trying to shield me with her tiny body "Carambor" Sister Maria squealed, dropping the flashlight. The music ground to a hat. And have never
oved correone so much betore or since, as I loved my littlest sister at that moment I wanted to roll over and ck here Whedo
COZE Dotted and let her eat first

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