27.05.2021 • 

Option 1: Write a sonnet • Write a sonnet. You choose the content. It can be funny (like Sonnet 130). It can be traditional (like Sonnet 116). It can be about cats. Write a sonnet about whatever you want. MUST have exactly 14 lines and use the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. Try to stick to about 10 syllables per line. Option 2: Write a carpe diem poem or song • Must be about seizing the moment Must be at least 20 lines You make choose to write this in rhyming couplets (like "Coy Mistress") or in another form. . You can write about a specific time where you felt you truly were able to "seize the day" or about how you want to do this in the future. You can make the speaker someone besides yourself as well. Be creative! Next​

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