17.07.2020 • 

Overall, the impact of youth gangs on communities is felt in many ways. Intimidation of other youths, adults,
witnesses, and business owners is not uncommon. Once
the enormous numbers of homicides in Chicago and Los
Angeles are factored in, more than one-fourth of all the
homicides across the country are considered gang
related. ... Gangs tend to propel youths into a life of
crime, punctuated by arrests, convictions, and periods of
incarceration. The costs to society are enormous. Each
assault-related gunshot injury costs the public
approximately $1 million. A single adolescent criminal
career of about ten years can cost taxpayers between $1.7
and $2.3 million
-"The Impact of Gangs on Communities,"
James C. Howell
What are the effects of gangs on communities? Check
all that apply.
Business owners and families are intimidated by
gang members
Homicide rates increase.
The number of young people who are incarcerated
Young people who join gangs are more likely to
become career criminals.
Gang violence results in millions of dollars to

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