05.05.2020 • 

Papa's discussion with the government interrogator is effective mostly because of
A. the author's choice of long descriptive passages.
B. the harsh characterization of the interrogator.
C. the sudden change from first to third person narrative.
D. the author's extensive use of imagery.

How does Jeanne characterize the setting of the family's barracks after Papa returns?
A. crowded but joyful because of having Papa back
B. squalid, loud, and tense due to the crowded conditions
C. awkward but festive because the family was reunited
D. uncomfortable because of Papa's brooding presence

Which of the following best describes the author's intention in the chapter entitled “Fort Lincoln: an interview?”
A. to add a poetic flair to her coming of age story
B. to concentrate on her characterization of Papa
C. to add another character to her story: the interrogator
D. to introduce an element of fiction in a non-fiction story

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