08.04.2020 • 

PART A: Which statement best expresses the central idea of the speech?
A. Taliban terrorists are using violence to spread fear and control regions in
B. World leaders are the people most able to create change that will help women
access education.
C. Education is the most effective tool to improve the world and end inequality.
D. Islam is a peaceful religion that supports equal rights, access to education, and
freedom for all.

2. PART B: Which sentence from Malala Yousafzai’s speech best supports the answer to
Part A?
A. “Thousands of people have been killed by the terrorists and millions have been
injured.” (Paragraph 4)
B. “...Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood.” (Paragraph 18)
C. “We call upon the world leaders that all the peace deals must protect women
and children’s rights.” (Paragraph 23)
D. “So let us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorism and let
us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons.”
(Paragraph 32)

3. In paragraph 16, Malala Yousafzai creates an analogy. Explain the analogy and what it
reveals about her experience as a young woman in Pakistan.

4. In paragraph 15, Yousafzai references many individuals who have inspired her. What
might be her purpose in naming them in this speech?
A. She is providing context as to why she would not respond to hate with violence.
B. Naming these individuals is a way to thank them for their important
contributions to women’s rights.
C. She wants to show the United Nations she has learned about many individuals
in her education.
D. These individuals are from different nations, and it proves that she is tolerant
and accepting.

5. During her speech, Yousafzai claims that the Taliban is “afraid of women” (Paragraph [RI.4]
17). What does she mean and why does she use this specific wording?

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