10.12.2020 • 

PART B: How does the author support his claim that the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was the incident that changed working conditions in America? * "One of them was Alfred (AI) E. Smith, a Catholic grade-school dropout and a witty and irresistible charmer..." (Paragraph 15)

"The other legal whiz was Robert (Bob) F. Wagner, an energetic and forceful pol known for his ability to ram new laws through a reluctant legislature." (Paragraph 16)
"Before the fire, Perkins was already fighting for worker's rights and a 54-hour work week as the executive secretary of Consumers' League, a nonprofit advocacy group'" (Paragraph 18)
"According to von Drehle, the "Tammany Twins" then "set a blistering pace" that averaged nearly one public hearing a week..." (Paragraph 20)

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