17.03.2021 • 

PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? A. В. "Men who had played in the National Football League donated 111 of the brains studied. And 110 of these -- a whopping 99 percent – had CTE." (Paragraph 5) "In 2008, researchers set up a brain bank to collect tissues for study. Its goal was to probe the long-term effect of head blows sustained in sports and military service." (Paragraph 9) "The symptoms reported by family members were not a good gauge of how bad a man's brain damage had been." (Paragraph 11) “There still isn't a way to diagnose CTE during life. And that's 'the 800-pound gorilla in the room,' says neurologist David Brody." (Paragraph 13) C. D.​

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