10.03.2021 • 

Part II: Multiple Choice- Read the following lines from the play. Then answer, the following question. HELENA:

O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent

To set against me for your merriment:

If you were civil and knew courtesy,

You would not do me thus much injury.

(How do these lines reveal one of the play’s main themes, the gap between perception and reality?)

Helena believes that Theseus is going to allow Lysander and Hermia to be married, but in reality Theseus is going to make Hermia marry Demetrius.

Helena believes that Demetrius and Hermia are getting married, but in reality they are playing a trick on her.

Helena believes that Lysander and Hermia are getting married and mocking her because she has no one, but in reality Demetrius loves her.

Helena believes Lysander and Demetrius are mocking her, but in reality they are both under the spell of the love-in-idleness flower’s juice.

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