08.04.2021 • 

Pasa las siguientes oraciones a voz pasiva en los tiempos verbales que se indican entre paréntesis. 1.Our designers created the new logo last week.(PRESENTE SIMPLE)
2. The school is hiring new teachers.(PASADO SIMPLE)
3. We built the house twenty years ago.(FUTURO SIMPLE)
4. We had cleaned the house after the party.(PASADO PERFECTO)
5. They will give you the information later.(PRESENTE PERFECTO)
6. The firefighters put out the fire. (PRESENTE SIMPLE)
7. Our children found the ring. (FUTURO SIMPLE)
8. The scientists developed a new talking robot. (PASADO PERFECTO)
9. The biologist brought the strange insect to the lab. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)
10. They only printed 500 copies of the book. (PASADO SIMPLE)
11. I think they will find the cure for cancer. (FUTURO SIMPLE)
12. We have repaired many cars this year.(PRESENTE SIMPLE)
13. The shop has raised the prices of many products.(PASADO PERFECTO)
14. We might bring the students in for a surprise exam. (PRESENTE PERFECTO)
15. The composers can’t write the song in twenty minutes. (PASADO SIMPLE)

Pasa las siguientes oraciones de voz pasiva a voz active en cualquier tiempo verbal
1. The stone was thrown by the boy.
2. Those thieves will be arrested by the police
3. Nine gold medals have been won by Bolt.
4. Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
5. The most attractive goal was scored by Cristiano Ronaldo.

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