01.11.2020 • 

Passage 1 Bijoy's Lesson
by T. Herlinger

Bijoy and his brother Abhra had been fishing for herring since sunup. For weeks, the sea had not blessed them, and their family had been forced to live on dried fish. But today, they could not haul their nets in speedily enough.
"Brother, we are indeed lucky today," Abhra exclaimed as he surveyed the mountain of fish in their little boat. "Wait until our parents see today's catch!"
But his brother Bijoy had his back to Abhra and continued to fish, scooping up scores of herring.
"Slow down, brother, we have plenty," Abhra called out. "Leave some for the other fishermen."
Bijoy turned to Abhra with a wildness in his eyes—the look Bijoy had always got when an idea had taken hold. "If we fish until dark," he said, "just think of the load of fish we'd catch! We could eat our fill, dry some for later, and sell what is leftover in the village market. Then we could make a profit and move into a nicer home."
Abhra shook his head and answered, "No thanks, my brother. I'm going home to deliver the happy news to our parents. I'll meet you at the docks at sunset to help you carry the fish."
And with that, Abhra jumped into the water and swam the short distance to shore, while Bijoy pulled in another net full of herring.
In fact, he did not stop scooping fish until he felt water around his feet. The little boat was filling with water because of its heavy load! In a panic, Bijoy tried to throw back some of the fish, but it was too late. He was forced to abandon the sinking boat, watching helplessly as the herring returned to the sea. Then Bijoy swam to shore, without the boat or one single herring. If only I had listened to my brother, he thought sadly. If only I had been content with plenty.

Passage 2

The Sighting
by T. Herlinger

"Eileen, it's suppertime," my mother called out from the screen door.
"But, Ma," I pleaded, "I'm supposed to watch for German submarines!"
"Those Germans have to eat supper, too, young lady. Come inside before your food gets cold!"
Like other kids on Long Island, New York, while our fathers and brothers were in Europe fighting the Germans, I spent every spare hour on the porch with my binoculars. I scanned the skies for enemy planes and combed the waters off the beach for German U-boats. So far, my friends and I hadn't seen anything of interest, but that didn't stop us from doing our part to win the war.
My stomach rumbled, and the delicious aroma of beef stew made me giddy, so I took one last glance around. Wait a minute, what was that? I could have sworn I saw something that looked like the top of a German sub! Quickly, I consulted the picture book of German war planes and submarines that lay open beside me. Then I looked back through the binoculars, but it was gone. It was probably just my imagination, I thought as I rubbed my eyes and went in to have supper.
The next day, the local newspaper headline read, "German U-Boat Sighted off Long Island Beach!"

In what way are the two passages different?
"Bijoy's Lesson" is an exaggerated story while "The Sighting" is a story that has magical characters.
"Bijoy's Lesson" takes place in the distant past while "The Sighting" takes place in the present.
"Bijoy's Lesson" is based upon a real-life historical event while "The Sighting" is based upon a legend.
"Bijoy's Lesson" is a fable with a moral while "The Sighting" is a work of historical fiction.

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