23.04.2020 • 

Passage 1

I was looking forward to facing off against Jack Fetz in the 1500 meter run. Jack had beaten me last time we raced, but this time I felt confident. I was in the best shape of my life and had undertaken a vast amount of training, so I thought I'd surely be able to whip him this time around. For the first three laps, I kept the pace while Jack took the lead, but at the start of the final lap, I made my move. I sprinted ahead and won by nearly ten paces. It was an exhilarating feeling. Jack finished in second place by only half a pace, but he was very gracious in congratulating me afterwards.

Passage 2

The "rematch" between 1500 meter racers Jack Fetz and Joseph Quirk took place on May 22. Fetz had won the previous race, beating out Quirk in a "photo finish." This time around, Quirk and Fetz fought for the lead for the first three laps. It was a constant tug-of-war, with Fetz leading for a time, only to be replaced by Quirk for another few strides, only to see Fetz take the lead yet again. In the final lap, however, Quirk burst into the head of the pack and never looked back.
Passage 1 and Passage 2 both discuss the same event, but with certain differences. Which statement correctly describes a difference between the two passages?

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