30.10.2020 • 

Passage: I don’t know if the Legionnaires still march back into the woods each year. I like to believe they do. For that kind of experience has helped me keep balance when the strands of my mixed heritage seem to pull one against another. However unconscious, it was a moment of crossover, a moment when the borders of culture were nullified by the greater instincts of humanity to remember and to give honor. Perhaps the Memorial Days of those early years have become one of the watermarks of my life because they brought to ceremonial focus the many tellings of the past that filled up the hours and days of my childhood. As children, we were never so much taught as storied. All work and play had memories attached. The word watermarks literally refers to a mark that shows the level to which water has risen in a container, or to a barely visible design on paper to identify a paper’s maker. The best figurative meaning for the word watermarks as it is used in the context of paragraph 5 is—

A. designs on paper

B. stains on the body

C. imprints on identity

D. loops of community

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