08.04.2020 • 

Peter and Daniela each drew a number line and marked one fourth . Did each person represent one fourth on the number lines? Explain. Complete the explanation below. Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box(es) within your choice. (Type a whole number or a fraction.) A. Only Daniela represented one fourth correctly. The number of one fourth lengths on Daniela's number line from 0 is nothing. The number of lengths on Peter's number line from 0 is nothing. B. Both represented one fourth . The length of the lines is different, but the number of one fourth lengths from 0 on each line is nothing. C. Neither person represented one fourth correctly on the number lines. D. Only Peter represented one fourth correctly. The number of one fourth lengths on Peter's number line from 0 is nothing. The number of lengths on Daniela's number line from 0 is nothing

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