13.04.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP 100 POINTS! .°(ಗдಗ。)°.
Write a three-paragraph essay about personality and the ability people have to change.
Take some time to think about this. Ask a parent, a teacher, and/or a friend for their own personal thoughts. Their ideas will help you; sometimes it's easier to figure out your own beliefs when you hear someone make a statement you don't agree with. It's also easy to create ideas when you hear ideas that you like and believe in. Also, take time to look at reputable resources about personality on the Web. Give yourself time to really think about this topic. When you're ready, write an essay, three paragraphs minimum.

Be sure to address each of the following in your three paragraphs.

Define and describe personality in your own terms. Give a few examples.
Discuss free will and determinism and which concept you believe in.
Explain why people can or cannot change their personalities.

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