05.06.2020 • 

Please help ASA read my essay and tell me in the first paragraph where it says "I will go over a two groups of heroes in this article who got cell phones to soldiers in the wars, and saved people from freezing during the winters by being creative. " please tell me what I could say other than groups. Please read entire essay thanks There are so many ways to help people and the environment. There are also so many heroes in so many shapes and forms. Even animals could be major heroes! I will go over a two groups of heroes in this article who got cell phones to soldiers in the wars, and saved people from freezing during the winters by being creative. These are two great heroes who didn’t even mean to be. Many people don't mean to be heroes, but turn out to be in the end of it all.

One heroic family was 14 yr old Brittany Bergquist, and her 12-year-old brother Robbie Bergquist. Brittany and Robbie tried in many ways to get cell phones to soldiers in the wars, so they could call their families to tell them about it and that they were hurt or not. They kept trying and didn’t give up until they accomplished their goal. Another hero, Cassandra Lin and her classmates from Westerly, Rhode Island, were trying to save people from freezing during the winters. You may be asking, How? Cassandra did some research and found out that cooking oil can be made into bio diesel, which is a type of fuel that doesn't harm the environment. The differences between the both of these heroes are that they were working towards different goals and saved the environment and people in different ways.

What are the similarities? Well, some similarities are they both are heroes, young, and smart. Both Brittany, and Cassandra had an interest and opportunity, so they ran with it. The leaders were both girls, determined to accomplish their goals, and did what they set out to do. Both of these girls (and their helpers) were brave and ingenious. They would not give up, and because of that they were both awarded with thanks and applause because of what they accomplished.

Both of these heroes are very intelligent and helpful. They both wanted to help their neighbors and people they didn’t know. Many people don't mean to be heroes, but turn out to be in the end of everything. That is most definitely the case for these two girls. Neither of them wanted to be heroes, they wanted to help out. I hope that this Compare and Contrast essay helped you. If you would like to learn more please visit Http:// and Http:// for more information. Thank you for reading my essay.

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