18.03.2021 • 

Please help ASAP! This is on lord of the Flys 100 points Use this informal outline to organize your essay. If you plan to have more than three body paragraphs in your essay, continue on another page.
Pattern of organization I will use

Title of my essay

What I want to include in my introduction (Introduce the book, discuss over all idea)

Thesis Statement –
(Example: CHARACTER helps develop the theme of THEME IDEA by the way he REASON1, REASON2, and REASON3.)
(Example: CHARACTER is an influential character in Lord of the Flies because REASON1, REASON2, and REASON3.)

What I want to include in my first body paragraph – REASON 1


What I want to include in my second body paragraph – REASON 2


What I want to include in my third body paragraph – REASON 3


What I want to include in my conclusion – Restate Thesis statement and tie up lose ends!

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